Angular and TypeScript: The Affair of Two Tech Giants by Dony Sukardi

You didn’t read it wrong.

I have been a long proponent of Angular ever since it started picking up popularity. As you might have known, Angular is an open source web application framework that is currently maintained by Google and the community. One of the best features of Angular is its two-way data binding that allow us to synchronize models and views automatically.

TypeScript on the other hand is a compiled language that is a superset of JavaScript maintained by Microsoft. TypeScript enforces safe-typing and allows modular programming, a feature that we are familiar with in other OOP languages.

Angular 2, a newly rewritten version of Angular, is developed for mobile in mind, hence the focus on performance, speed, and efficiency. As of last year, it was written using AtScript, a superset of TypeScript that uses Annotation processing. However, just today, Angular and TypeScript team announced that Angular will now be build with TypeScript.

In March, 2015 the Angular team and Typescript blog announced that AtScript development is abandoned, features of AtScript will be implemented in TypeScript – Angular 2: Built on TypeScript

The two teams of the two tech giants are working closely on improving TypeScript and we shall see the fruits of the collaboration in the upcoming TypeScript 1.5 release. Google and Microsoft on the same boat, who would have thought it would be possible? It is fascinating to see how tech giants are collaborating with and for the community.

I have not got the chance to use TypeScript in my projects yet. From the look of it, it is amazing! It compiles to surprisingly clean and very human readable JavaScript. For all it is worth, you can write pure JS there and voila! It will work just fine. I am intending to use it in my upcoming project and I am excited!

Let me know in the comments what do you think of this collaboration and if you intend to use Angular and TypeScript in your projects.

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