23 September 2016
Last Friday, the second session of ACE Microsoft Tech Talks took place at ACE Ideation Centre, Block 79. In this session, I discussed about the latest trending technology in the IT industry, which is Chat Bots. I gave the audience an overview of Chat Bot technologies from Microsoft by using Bot Framework and LUIS. The Bot Framework allows for developers to build a single web service and connect it to the various communication channel such like Skype, Facebook Messenger, Telegram and more. The engine behind which understands natural language is LUIS which allows for developers to build a language model of their own allowing it to understand intents and entities of a user by analyzing the text message sent by the user. Towards the end of the talk, a few chatbots demo were shown and one of them is a Changi Airport Chatbot that i have built. This is closely related to the customer service industry as chatbots could replace mundane tasks of a customer service officer and employers could assign them a much more important or critical task. A link to my Changi Airport chatbot code could be found below.
If you would like to read up more on Bot Framework and LUIS. Here are a few useful links:
For Bot Framework- dev.botframework.com
For LUIS- luis.ai
For Sample code on the integration of Bot Framework with LUIS- github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder/
For LUIS Documentation- https://www.luis.ai/Help
For BotFramework Documentation-https://docs.botframework.com/en-us/csharp/builder/sdkreference/
For Changi Airport Code Repository- https://github.com/izzkhair/SampleChangiAirportBot
Here are a few photos taken during the talk: