Spiffy SG is recruiting! by Ee Ki Then

Spiffy SG is recruiting!


Using Spiffy as a platform, you can write articles that help establish you as a subject matter expert, expands your professional reach and gives you an opportunity to build a personal brand online.

Why write for us?

1.    Instant local techie audience with notable overseas impact

·         On social media, we’re popular among the 25-34 crowd with a potential social outreach of half a million eyeballs. We publicize our writers ‘articles to our active online communities with an engagement rate (calculated via shares, comments and likes) almost twice the ratio of the average social media site.

2.    Write what you’re passionate about – and build your portfolio with us

·         Blogging – one of the best ways to share thought leadership. Take your time and build your personal brand on the value of your ideas alone. You can advance your professional reach by sharing your thoughts with the local tech audience base via Spiffy.

3.    Access to exclusive tech events

·         We host regular events and networking activities, and would love for you to join us and write about what you learnt. You can expand your network and share your knowledge with the community.

Interested? Find out more at weshipcode.com and apply at https://scaper65.typeform.com/to/GwLoVr



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