Learning Javascript API for Office by Danish Lukawski

API Tutorials Screen

Did you know you could build apps for Office? Microsoft already created a JavaScript API tutorial for Office in the form of an app, a long while ago. Really, what the app teaches you are the basic development tasks by letting you interactively run and edit JavaScript code directly in Microsoft Excel!

You can start running the tutorial online, but make sure that you’re running at least Internet Explorer 9, Safari 5.0.6, Firefox 5, Chrome 13, or a later version of one of these browsers. If not, you can also download a Windows App version of the tutorial, that will run Microsoft Excel directly, from the Windows Store.

Javascript API Napa Tutorial
Javascript API Napa Tutorial

Now when we mean basic, the tutorial itself covers: reading and writing text, ranges, tables (including updating data in a table), getting and setting coordinates, and most importantly, making persistent settings. As a bonus, the app allows online access to all tutorials using the “Napa” Office 365 Development Tools too.

Also if you didn’t know, because the API Tutorial app references the jQuery library (version 1.7.1), you can also use jQuery in your script! When you run the app from the Excel Web App (and because script is running in the context of the browser you opened it with), most JavaScript supported by that browser should run as well. Neat, huh? If you want a total walkthrough on learning the Javascript API tutorial, you can find out more on the Microsoft Apps for Office and SharePoint blog.

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